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Monday, February 7, 2011

Was blind but now I see.

Jesus said, "...I have come into the world so the blind will see...".
John 9:39a.

Australia's largest bird of prey is the Wedge-tailed eagle. They have a wedge -shaped tail and are a dark blackish brown in colour. Females weigh over 4kg and are larger than males which weigh about 3.5 - 4kg. The wing span of a Wedge-tailed eagle is approximately 2.5m from tip to tip.These eagles reach heights of about 2000m and soar and glide on thermals. There is nothing more spectacular than seeing one of these amazing creatures take flight and soar in the sky.
Eagles have excellent eyesight and their sharpness is at least 4 times better than a human with perfect vision. Wedge-tailed Eagles see the whole country beneath them while at the same time  focusing on a single stream of what is ahead of them. They see two ways at the same time. This helps keep their prey in focus as they fly.
References:;; Wikipedia.

"If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit'. Matthew15:14b.
A blind person relies on his guide dog to give him direction when he walks. His canine friend sees for him.
And that's the way with our spiritual sight. Relying on other people to lead us when they may be blind or have a speck in their eye, no matter how together they may seem (for no one is perfect), is no substitute for our guide who is the Holy Spirit who has above perfect vision.We need to keep our focus on Jesus and let the Holy Spirit be our spiritual eyes.

We keep our eyes in good health by getting them tested and getting glasses, contacts or surgery if  need be.
We constantly go to the optometrist for check ups and spectacle lens renewal.
In the same way, we must keep our spiritual eyesight in check by reading the scriptures and meeting with other Christians to make sure that our perspective is in line with God and that our minds are being renewed.

As Christians, we need to encourage others to see too! ... And with love and compassion in our hearts, lead them to Jesus Christ.

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
  That saved a wretch like me....
  I once was lost but now am found,
  Was blind, but now, I see."-
John Newton.

Jenteelability.     http:/

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